Presentations in R
Using the xaringan
package, you can construct beautiful presentations using R. Essentially, the RMarkdown syntax is used to add text, tables and figures.
Syntax summary
--- to start a new slide
-- to show additional content in the same slide (previously hidden).
Set titles.
# Header 1
# Header 2
# Header 3
Highlight words in italic or bold font.
_italic_, **bold**
You can choose between three different types of lists: hyphens, numbered and bullets.
- a
- b
1. a
2. b
* a
* b
Add images
Although you can add images directly with markdown, I recommend using knitr
to include images using r code. This way you can better control the size of the image (instead of using directly its size) and setting other options as its alignment.
```{r echo=F, out.width="90%", fig.align="center"}
Two columns
There are two default styles to set the objects inside the slides in a two-column format:
The first one puts your slides in two columns with each one expanding aprox. 50 % of the total width of the slide
your content
your content
The second one puts your slides in two columns with the first expanding aprox. 25 % of the total width of the slide, and the second, 75 %.
your content
your content
Changing slide class
You can add special slides with a different theme than the default. One commonly used is the ‘inverse’ class, which is the theme used for the starting slide. Additionally, you can set other classes such as ‘center’ or ‘bottom’ or combine them to set the position of the text.
class: center, bottom, inverse
Background images
You can add images as background for certain slides by selecting the image and setting its position and size.
background-image: url("img/end.png")
background-position: 50% 50%
background-size: cover
You can use kable
inside the knitr
package to draw formatted tables.
format = "html",
table.attr = "style='width:80%;'") |>
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped"),
full_width = T,
font_size = 14)
You can add formulas or use mathematica notation using $$ $$
for equations or $ $
for mathematical notations.
$$OA = \displaystyle \frac {TP + TN} {TP + TN + FP + FN}$$
Finally, when the document is ready, knit the document (string ball icon in Rstudio) to create the html file with the slides.
Minimal example
# Title slide
title: "My presentation"
author: |
| Myself
| Others
institute: "My Company"
date: "27/05/2022"
css: [default, default-fonts, mystyle.css]
lib_dir: libs
highlightStyle: github
highlightLines: true
countIncrementalSlides: false
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
# First slide
```{r echo=F, out.width="50%", fig.align="center"}
# Second slide
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
# Empty line
# Another image
```{r echo=F, out.width="10%", fig.align="center"}
# Third slide
text at left
text at right
# Fourth slide
A table.
```{r echo=F, out.width="100%"}
tab1 <- data.frame(a = 1:4,
b = 4:7,
c = 5:8,
d = 12:15)
escape = FALSE,
format = "html",
table.attr = "style='width:100%;'",
col.names = c("0",
align = c("l", rep("r", 3))) |>
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped"),
full_width = T,
font_size = 14) |>
kableExtra::row_spec(1, extra_css = "border-top: 1px solid")
background-image: url("img/r.png")
background-position: 50% 50%
background-size: cover
class: center, bottom, inverse
# ¡Thx!
## contact
The result is the following (click on the following broken link image to view the pdf presentation).