Wordclouds in R
Wordclouds are a great way of visualizing the most frequent terms in texts. Additionally, R provides some great tools to convert pdfs into text files and clean the texts, so non-informative terms are ignored (e.g., articles, prepositions, etc.).
Converting data from pdf to text
# Convert pdf 2 text function
files <- list.files("pdf/",
full.names = T)
pdfs <- sapply(files, function(x){
pdftools::pdf_text(x) %>%
paste(sep = " ") %>%
# Remove special characters
stringr::str_replace_all(fixed("\n"), " ") %>%
stringr::str_replace_all(fixed("\r"), " ") %>%
stringr::str_replace_all(fixed("\t"), " ") %>%
stringr::str_replace_all(fixed("\""), " ") %>%
paste(sep = " ", collapse = " ") %>%
stringr::str_squish() %>%
stringr::str_replace_all("- ", "")
# Clean text by removing numbers, spaces, punctuation, etc.
arts_text_clean <- Corpus(VectorSource(pdfs))
# Remove punctutation
arts_text_clean <- tm_map(arts_text_clean, removePunctuation)
# Pass all word to lowercase
arts_text_clean <- tm_map(arts_text_clean, content_transformer(tolower))
# Remove numbers
arts_text_clean <- tm_map(arts_text_clean, removeNumbers)
# Remove spaces
arts_text_clean <- tm_map(arts_text_clean, stripWhitespace)
# Remove stopwords
arts_text_clean <- tm_map(arts_text_clean, removeWords, stopwords('english'))
arts_text_clean <- tm_map(arts_text_clean, removeWords, stopwords('spanish'))
arts_text_clean <- tm_map(arts_text_clean, removeWords, stopwords('portuguese'))
# Create matrix
arts_text_clean <- TermDocumentMatrix(arts_text_clean)
arts_text_clean <- as.matrix(arts_text_clean)
arts_text_clean <- sort(rowSums(arts_text_clean),decreasing=TRUE)
df <- data.frame(word = names(arts_text_clean),freq=arts_text_clean)
# Remove leftover punctuations and words that wish to be omitted
df <- df |>
# Need to add the freq as I can't remove the hyphen
filter(word != "–" & word != "−" & word != "•" & freq != 466 &
word != "crossref" & word != "doi" & word != "thus" & word != "two" &
word != "one" & word != "fig" & word != "three" & word != "can" &
word != "may" & word != "therefore" & word != "first" & word != "also" &
word != "author" & word != "journal" & word != "among" & word != "figure" &
word != "solórzano" & word != "gallardocruz" & word != "jiménezlópez" &
word != "springer" & word != "although" & word != "however" & word != "authors") |>
mutate_at(vars(word), function(x) ifelse(x == "ecol", "ecology", x)) |>
mutate_at(vars(word), function(x) ifelse(x == "sens", "sensing", x)) |>
mutate_at(vars(word), function(x) ifelse(x == "environ", "environment", x)) |>
group_by(word) |>
summarise(freq2 = sum(freq))
To do the wordcloud you will need a dataframe containing the words and its corresponding frequency of appearance. In this case that object is saved as df
and contains two columns word
and freq2
. The rest of the arguments let you choose the minimum frequency shown in the wordplot, the maximum number of words shown in the plot, if a random order should be used, rotation percentage and the colors of the words.
set.seed(1234) # for reproducibility
width = 10,
height = 10,
units = "cm",
res = 300)
wordcloud(words = df$word,
freq = df$freq2,
min.freq = 20,
colors=rev(brewer.pal(6, "Dark2")))
An example of a wordplot.