This page shows an overview of the public repositories in my Github:
Repo to calculate some basic forest’s structural and diversity attributes: VegCommunity.
Repo to fit linear models using the forest attributes as dependent variables and image texture as independent ones: RSModels.
Repo to extract additional parameters from the BFAST model, i.e., a method to detect disturbances from images time series (e.g., amplitude, magnitude, R2, NA percentage, stable historical period): bfast_params_extr.
Repo that contains the files to build the GEE manual book using bookdown GEE_manual.
Repos to use the U-Net algorithm (i.e., deep learning algorithm) to make a land use/land cover classification U-netR or a 3D version used to detect deforestation UnetRDef.
Repo that contains the analyses used to discriminate between degraded and conserved forests Conserved-vs-Degraded-Forest.
Repo to classify vegetation in high and intermediate productivity (using NDVI) to distinguish conserved forest from secondary/degraded Class-HPV-Deg.
Repo with a leaflet html. Cuilala-map.